Monday, August 9, 2010

The weary soldier!!!!

The clock strikes 5 …early morning dew has spread itself across every blade of grass..the birds are starting to chirp….early morning ….people are starting their daily routine…the warrior rises from his slumber…tired and exhausted..he is physically broken but mentally he is preparing for battle..he doesn’t like wars that he fights every day….he rises from his bed reluctantly…starts to prepare mental strategy for survival…every muscle in his body aches…every movement causes pain…he manages to get ready and put on his gear…he picks up his weapon and mounts his chariot….slowly he starts moving towards the battle ground….he reaches close to the venue…but decides to fight with the cavalry that day..slowly he dismounts from his chariot…adjusts his gear and weapons….slowly but steadily he makes his way to the area of action…every step seems like eternity….every step is slow and deliberate..he is thinking of his family & friends who are back home waiting for him to return..he is thinking of his endeavours in the past few days…he is thinking about life and the strange twist of fate…he is thinking of the way to impress his king…he is thinking of how to achieve glory….as he nears the venue his pace drops….every step forward is now a humoungous challenge…it takes all the strength in his body to keep moving…he realizes how much he dislikes the daily battle…he wants to drop his weapon and return…but he cannot betray his kingdom…and he fears the wrath of the king as well…his throat is dry..he craves for the magic potion for survival..he wants to take swigs of it and revive himself….he finally reaches the area…suddenly there is a slap on his back….. “ hey was your weekend…..all set for the week have a cup of coffee…”

1 comment:

Shahwar Kibria said...

(since this piece is relatively shorter :P)

Very very cinematic/(images), emphatic, but anti-climactic.

I like the engaging flow of your writing!

Bright stuff, very!